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Action Plan 



SMLS is excited to embark on the first step of our journey to a Reconciliation Action Plan, to ensure our commitment to the recognition and voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our organisation, across our community and more broadly, in Australia. SMLS’ vision is for a fair and inclusive community where people can access the resources, networks and support they need to resolve legal issues and overcome barriers to social, cultural and economic inclusion and participation. 

Recognition and inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is paramount to this vision. SMLS acknowledges the critical importance of formalising a Reconciliation Action Plan within the organisation; to ensure that our values, our people and our actions reflect the commitment to properly reflecting our nation’s past, present and future. 

SMLS is pursuing opportunities to partner with relevant organisations to engage in culturally appropriate policy and law reform. SMLS is proactively taking internal steps to ensure there is a current and reflective practice of recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their rightful place in what shapes our country. 

SMLS looks forward to better understanding and implementing engagement with our local community. SMLS is committed to ensuring that we can support, advocate, and deliver on the avenues for proper recognition and voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia