Integrated partnership
and community programs

The Integrated Services for Survivor Advocacy (ISSA) program supports victims/survivors recovering from sexual assault and/or family violence by supporting them to navigate the legal system.
The recently renamed ISSA program is a 25-year-old partnership between South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS) and the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault and Family Violence (SECASA). The program provides legal advice, assistance and representation to victims/survivors of sexual assault, and family members affected by the assault other than the offender. The service specializes in Applications for Assistance to the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal.
This Integrated Health Justice Partnership has operated since 1995. Lawyers work closely with SECASA counsellors providing legal advice, assistance and representation to victims/survivors of sexual assault and/or family violence.
The service is supported by SMLS staff, volunteers and Clinical Placement students from Monash University Faculty of Law. The clinic operates on a referral basis from SECASA. An SMLS community lawyer is also embedded into the SECASA team at the Dandenong Multidisciplinary Centre to provide on-site advice and legal assistance.
Integrated Services for Survivor Advocacy

Sporting Change supports young people from diverse backgrounds to engage constructively in their local communities and society. The program uses sports to educate young people about the justice system. It also uses the services of an integrated school lawyer to increase young people’s access to justice.
SMLS has partnered with schools in South Eastern Melbourne to deliver this program. Sporting Change as a pilot program was initially supported by the Victorian Legal Services Board, and is now supported by the Department of Justice and Community Safety as well as our school partners.
Read our Evaluation Report for more information about the outcomes and impact of the program.
Hear from a program participant speaking about Sporting Change on The Outer Sanctum Podcast.
Sporting Change

We work in partnership with communities in the South East of Melbourne to find solutions for legal issues that affect them, and work together to address systemic disadvantage. We use community development to address structural inequalities and barriers to accessing justice. Using a preventative approach, we undertake community development projects, provide legal education and contribute to law reform to strengthen our community. Community development plays a key role in our work towards a legal system which is fair and accessible for all.
SMLS uses social justice and human rights frameworks when undertaking community development projects. We celebrate the diversity of our communities, and collaborate with them to work towards positive change and redress power imbalances. Ultimately, we aim to empower and support members of the community to use the law and legal system to protect and advance their rights, and broaden their awareness of their responsibilities.
Some of our recent projects are:
SMLS implemented an outreach program at Windana residential youth detox (Dandenong) in 2015 to deliver legal education on common youth law issues to their clients. Many young people at Windana have a number of legal issues, ranging from infringements, child protection, family violence to criminal matters. Often Windana clients are not aware of where they can access free legal assistance and are able to get legal help on the spot through our Professional Practice program.
Legal Education and the South Sudanese Australian Community
SMLS, Victoria Legal Aid and South Sudanese Australian group ‘Daughters of Jerusalem’ have partnered together to learn about legal, social and financial issues and how to get help.
Community Development

The International Students Employment and Accommodation Legal Service delivers free and confidential advice, casework and representation to international students in Victoria who are work or tenancy-related legal problems, for example,
- Underpayments and unpaid wages
- Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
- Sham contracting
- Workplace injury and workplace safety issues
- Unfair dismissal
- Disputes over bond
- Issues with repairs to rental properties
- Feeling unsafe in the place where you are staying
- Evictions
- Understanding tenancy and accommodation contracts
- We can provide an interpreter if you need one.
The International Students Employment and Accommodation Legal Service is offered via Study Melbourne Student Centre in the Melbourne CBD, with virtual and phone-based assistance available. Please call 1800 056 449 to make an appointment.
This service is funded by the Victorian Government and delivered collaboratively by Study Melbourne, Victoria Legal Aid, South-East Monash Legal Service, JobWatch and WEstjustice.
International Students Employment & Accommodation Legal Service

Based on a shared belief that community need is best met by a holistic and seamless service response, SMLS and Good Shepherd Australia are building an integrated, multidisciplinary service delivery model in the City of Casey. The Integrated Services program aims to contribute to a resilient community by taking a holistic approach to meet the legal and social needs of vulnerable people from diverse backgrounds in south east Melbourne.
Community development workers undertake legal education and community engagement activities, while a team of social work students supports clients with a range of activities: Housing and health advocacy, job readiness assistance and warm supported referrals. Lawyers provides legal information, advice, referrals, case work and representation, including managing internal referrals to specialist areas of law. A Financial Counsellor provides financial support services and interventions.
People can access the program via one of our many intake points, including our duty lawyer program at Dandenong Magistrates Court.
Illustration Credit: All Free Download
Integrated Services Program

Mother’s Legal help is a partnership with the City of Greater Dandenong. The project aims to provide increased access to justice for women and children experiencing family violence through a Health Justice Partnership (HJP) model.
SMLS provides early intervention legal assistance to new mothers in the City of Greater Dandenong. Timely legal advice and casework for disadvantaged families experiencing family violence provide access to justice, and collaboration between services fosters holistic responses to family violence and improved outcomes for families.
Mother's Legal Help Program

South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS) partnered with Northern Community Legal Centre (NCLC) to deliver the ‘Safe Landing Program’ broadly across Victoria to ensure the most vulnerable women can have access to justice.
The Safe Landing Program supports victims/survivors of family violence on various forms of temporary visas or uncertain visa status to recover and thrive, by assisting them to navigate the complex legal system.
Often temporary visa holders or persons in an uncertain visa situation are at a greater risk of suffering family violence and other abuses. Not to risk their visa, they often remain hostile or tolerating abuses until it becomes absolutely impossible.
The program provides service on three main areas of law: migration, family, and family violence. It also provides social support through SCIP and CLE. In this integrated service, experienced lawyers in these areas of law and social workers work collaboratively. It provides free and holistic service to the clients.
Our migration law service includes:
- Legal advice
- Discrete legal assistance and
- Ongoing case representation at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
If you are worried about your current visa status and/or would like to know about future visa options, contact us. Client can contact us with their questions in relation to their obligations and rights on their existing visa or future visa options or pathways available to them to remain in Australia.
Our Family Law service includes:
- Legal advice
- Discreet assistance
- Representation
Our team understands that separation is a difficult time to navigate. We provide realistic advice regarding parenting, property and divorce matters. If we are able to represent you, we work collaboratively with your former partner to reach a fair outcome having regard to your goals.
To make a referral to the safe landing program, please download the referral form here and complete it and email it to SMLS team at
If you have any questions about the referral form or need any assistance in completing the form, contact us at or phone on (03) 9545 7400 .
For the service beyond the scope of the Safe Landing Program, information and referral to external services would also be provided.
Safe Landing

The program seeks to increase access to justice by offering free legal assistance Victoria-wide to low-income workers experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage. The program aims to empower and support workers to navigate the complex, multijurisdictional and sensitive nature of sexual harassment and discrimination claims, including assistance with advocacy and litigation.
What does the AASH program offer?
- Increase our capacity to help more people with dealing with workplace sexual harassment and/or discrimination
- Advice, assistance and advocacy – More clients can now receive free and confidential legal advice, ongoing assistance and advocacy through the program. We will stand with clients to help them make informed decisions. Advocate for them on their behalf and assist them through their complaints should they decide to go down that path.
- Trauma-informed and culturally sensitive – we build on our long history of assisting victim survivors of sexual assault, assisting most culturally and linguistic diverse communities in Melbourne
- Client-centred – we aim to empower clients in their decision-making, we give clients a sense of power and control over their matters.
- Holistic – We know legal issues often come in clusters and we know that clients often face barriers to engaging fully with their legal problem. We aim to offer our AASH clients holistic support by providing access to our in-house social work and financial counselling support and further legal help with any other workplace disputes.
AASH Program

Lawyers in Libraries: Pakenham Library
SMLS has partnered with Casey Cardinia Libraries to provide an accessible service in Pakenham every Friday from 9-1 pm. Book an appointment to chat with a lawyer from SMLS and find out more about your legal rights and responsibilities.
Autumn Place Doveton Outreach Service
SMLS provides an outreach service at Autumn Place Community Centre in Doveton. Contact us to make an appointment.
Workplace Advice Service: Fair Work Commission
The Workplace Advice Service provides access to free legal assistance to workers who need advice or information about the dismissal, general protections and workplace bullying.
An SMLS lawyer is available every Thursday morning at FWC to help. Bookings are made through FWC.
Outreach Services